Join The Commonwealth’s Campaign to Promote Environmentally-Friendly Practices in 维吉尼亚州’s Tourism Industry
维吉尼亚州的绿色 is a partnership program between 维吉尼亚州 DEQ, 弗吉尼亚旅游公司(VTC), 和弗吉尼亚餐厅, 住宿 and Travel Association (VRLTA). 维吉尼亚州的绿色 promotes practical pollution prevention techniques in all sectors of 维吉尼亚州’s tourism industry.
1. Reduce the environmental impacts of the tourism industry
2. Increase environmental awareness of the industry and its customers
3. Make the tourism industry more profitable through employment of green practices
Visitors to 维吉尼亚州 care 百老汇会员注册 the environment and so does our Tourism Industry!
这是背后的主要前提 维吉尼亚州的绿色. It is a network of tourism-related organizations and programs that are committed to protecting and promoting the environment. 弗吉尼亚绿色住宿 was the first established program in the 弗吉尼亚绿色网络, but criteria are now being developed for all sectors of the tourism industry!
- 住宿
- 欢迎/游客中心
- 酒庄
- 景点
- 旅游组织
- 合作伙伴
- 餐厅
- 会议中心
- 高尔夫球场
- 露营地
- 会议中心
- 公园
- 事件
Minimum “core activities” have been developed for each of these sector categories, and they are encouraged to become as “green” as possible! 维吉尼亚州的绿色 “profiles” are developed for each facility; therefore, “environmentally-savvy” guests can shop for the “green” amenities that they value!
- 一个典型的有100个房间的酒店使用5.6 million gallons of water and 120 tons of trash a year and produces 3.6 million pounds of CO2 emissions through energy usage.
- 30% reductions in water and energy are easily achievable through simple P2 techniques and a good hotel recycling program can divert more than 50% of its solid wastes.
- Assuming that these facilities achieve similar results, the 100 弗吉尼亚绿色住宿 facilities should achieve annually:
- 15 million gallons of reduced water consumption
- 100 million pounds of reduced CO2 emissions
- 3500 tons of reduced solid waste generation
- Assuming that we expect membership in 维吉尼亚州的绿色 to expand 4-fold in the next 2 years, the sky is the limit for achieving Environmental Improvements!
Facilities who join 维吉尼亚州的绿色 are those who realize that 维吉尼亚州 ’s tourism industry is closely linked to our beautiful Natural Resources. We all receive many benefits from protecting our environment, but here are some benefits that come directly from participating in 维吉尼亚州的绿色!
- Listed on 维吉尼亚州的绿色 website and searchable through 维吉尼亚州 is for Lovers (www.维吉尼亚州.org/green/)
- 维吉尼亚州的绿色 Certificate for display at your facility
- 使用弗吉尼亚绿色标志
- 维吉尼亚州的绿色 profile of your facility
- Increase patronage by environmental groups and environmentally-aware customers
- Save $$$ through cost savings measures which also reduce
Tom Griffin, Executive Director, 维吉尼亚州 绿色旅游联盟
Greener Results Sustainability Services
804.986.9119; (电子邮件保护)